Tar­get Regions

The regions in which Ali­quan­tum is engaged have one thing in com­mon: they offer first-class topo­graph­i­cal and eco­nom­ic con­di­tions — and thus an attrac­tive invest­ment envi­ron­ment.

Ali­quan­tum sees itself as a pan-Euro­pean provider and con­cen­trates on promis­ing regions in Cen­tral and South-East­ern Europe, which on the one hand bring about a high lev­el of com­mit­ment in this area because of the topo­graph­i­cal and the eco­nom­ic con­di­tions.

The first projects are in Ser­bia and Bosnia. The tar­get region has enor­mous eco­nom­ic poten­tial which, unlike in nuclear Europe, is large­ly unde­vel­oped. Because of the unique access that ali­quan­tum has in this excel­lent invest­ment envi­ron­ment, returns of approx­i­mate­ly 20% p.a., already to be expect­ed in phase I.


Start in Ser­bia

Ali­quan­tum ini­tial­ly focus­es on Ser­bia (EU can­di­date for mem­ber­ship), where the men­tioned con­di­tions are par­tic­u­lar­ly good. There is already a stake in two oper­at­ing hydro­elec­tric pow­er plants as well as a cen­tral oper­at­ing and con­trol cen­ter, which is being expand­ed as a vir­tu­al pow­er plant cen­ter. The local devel­op­er team has also iden­ti­fied and secured two addi­tion­al oper­a­tional assets for the acqui­si­tion. In addi­tion, Ali­quan­tum has secured a project port­fo­lio of invest­ments, which are in var­i­ous stages of the approval process.

Foun­da­tion laid for Bosnia

The sec­ond step of the strat­e­gy involves an expan­sion to Bosnia (poten­tial can­di­date for EU mem­ber­ship) with the aim of estab­lish­ing a net­work of hydro­elec­tric pow­er sta­tions across the moun­tain­ous region of the West­ern Balka­ns. In view of this phase, sev­er­al con­tracts and dec­la­ra­tions of intent with munic­i­pal­i­ties in Bosnia have already been signed to secure the untapped poten­tial. In addi­tion, nine oth­er agree­ments are under nego­ti­a­tion. Bosnia has sim­i­lar favor­able con­di­tions as Ser­bia regard­ing topog­ra­phy and prof­itabil­i­ty.

Expan­sion to Scan­di­navia and the Alps

Sub­se­quent­ly, projects are tak­ing place in select­ed Euro­pean mar­kets, for exam­ple in Swe­den: the sec­ond largest pro­duc­er of hydropow­er in Europe has enor­mous poten­tial for acqui­si­tions — 1,600 of 1,800 hydro­elec­tric pow­er plants are allo­cat­ed to the small hydro seg­ment (up to 10 MW). Ali­quan­tum then pro­vides a selec­tion for the Alpine region in the form of selec­tive projects, espe­cial­ly in small hydro­elec­tric pow­er sta­tions.

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