Strat­e­gy & Vision

We are invest­ing in the next gen­er­a­tion of clean ener­gy projects.

Hans-Peter Flo­ren

CEO, Ali­quan­tum Ener­gy plc

Hydropow­er is an impor­tant solu­tion for the future ener­gy sup­ply in Europe. To exploit its poten­tial, Ali­quan­tum has set as one of its core objec­tives to iden­ti­fy lucra­tive sites for the pro­duc­tion of clean elec­tric­i­ty in Europe.

By invest­ing in the next gen­er­a­tion of clean ener­gy projects, Ali­quan­tum will serve a trend that will shape the ener­gy sec­tor of the future: decen­tral­iza­tion and autonomous struc­tures. With its com­mit­ment Ali­quan­tum is already pro­vid­ing finan­cial­ly attrac­tive niche mar­kets in the hydropow­er sec­tor.


Ali­quan­tum, for exam­ple, is build­ing a unique port­fo­lio of small and medi­um-sized hydropow­er plants with a capac­i­ty range of one to ten megawatts and long-term pur­chase con­tracts (12 years) at state-guar­an­teed feed-in tar­iffs.

For investors, for the envi­ron­ment
Ali­quan­tum is com­mit­ted to its investors as well as the preser­va­tion of the nature and the preser­va­tion of its resources. This includes yield on the one hand with a clean envi­ron­ment and through the respon­si­ble use of the hydropow­er, Ali­quan­tum com­bines eco­nom­ic and envi­ron­men­tal objec­tives, prof­itable yields with sus­tain­able man­age­ment.

Three phas­es

Aliquantum’s strat­e­gy is based on a three-phase pro­gram. In a first phase, Ali­quan­tum opens and builds micro and small hydro pow­er plants in Ser­bia and Bosnia. In doing so, the com­pa­ny uses the on-site infra­struc­ture, which means that the invest­ment costs remain man­age­able. In the next step, Ali­quan­tum enters neigh­bor­ing regions and extends its port­fo­lio to include small­er hydropow­er plants. The third phase will be an exten­sion of the strat­e­gy to oth­er attrac­tive mar­kets in Europe, for exam­ple to the water-rich coun­tries of Scan­di­navia.

Good net­work — first class con­tacts

A key advan­tage of Ali­quan­tum is its dense inter­na­tion­al net­work of con­tacts. The Ali­quan­tum team, among oth­er things, has devel­oped sev­er­al decades of exper­tise in the field of renew­able ener­gy sources in the tar­get regions. The expan­sion of the Ali­quan­tum activ­i­ties across Europe means that Lon­don is the head­quar­ters of Ali­quan­tum: the British cap­i­tal plays a sig­nif­i­cant role at the Euro­pean lev­el as a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of inter­ests for renew­able hydropow­er. Ali­quan­tum also uses con­tacts to Brus­sels and the Euro­pean insti­tu­tions.

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