Small Hydropow­er

Small-Scale Hydro“ stands for a spe­cial kind of hydropow­er. A kind that has par­tic­u­lar­ly high poten­tial. Rare is “small, but pow­er­ful” so applic­a­ble.

Advan­tages small / medi­um water plants

Hydropow­er is a world-lead­ing indus­try. Small­er hydropow­er plants with a capac­i­ty of one to ten megawatts, also referred to as “Small Hydro”, rep­re­sent a niche with­in this mar­ket, a niche that is not only eco­log­i­cal­ly but also eco­nom­i­cal­ly attrac­tive – and shows untapped poten­tial in some regions.

Sus­tain­able — in terms of envi­ron­ment and cash flow

Small hydropow­er plants com­bine the advan­tages of hydropow­er and decen­tral­ized ener­gy gen­er­a­tion. More­over, their mature and proven tech­nol­o­gy is char­ac­ter­ized by low life­cy­cle costs: the rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple mechan­i­cal design allows an oper­at­ing peri­od of 50 years and more with­out major renew­al invest­ments. Due to their man­age­able size, the plants are built rel­a­tive­ly quick­ly and gen­er­ate cash flows prompt­ly after the start of the invest­ment. Sta­ble and sus­tain­able cash flows com­bined with low oper­at­ing costs pro­vide an oper­at­ing EBITDA mar­gin of more than 80% result­ing in a very attrac­tive risk / return pro­file with good asset pro­tec­tion.

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