Hydropow­er in Ser­bia

The first projects of Ali­quan­tum show the great poten­tial — both the entire hydropow­er and the tar­get region in par­tic­u­lar.

Oper­a­tional Small Hydro Pow­er Plants (Ser­bia)

Ali­quan­tum Ener­gy is already involved in two new, oper­a­tional hydro­elec­tric pow­er sta­tions in Ser­bia, which pro­duce envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly elec­tric­i­ty with a capac­i­ty of around 2.5 megawatts. Ali­quan­tum Ener­gy expects an annu­al pro­duc­tion of eleven mil­lion kilo­watt hours; After deduc­tion of all oper­at­ing costs, an annu­al gross prof­it in the order of one mil­lion euros remains.

Poten­tial for the future

The fact that the two hydropow­er plants of the ener­gy com­pa­ny are already gen­er­at­ing cash flows makes the invest­ment as attrac­tive as the fact that it has a remote main­te­nance cen­ter — the pos­si­bil­i­ties for its use cre­ate addi­tion­al poten­tial for the future.

Due to the access to two fur­ther oper­a­tional projects as well as projects short­ly before the com­ple­tion of the con­struc­tion phase, the total capac­i­ty of Ali­quan­tum pro­duc­tion plants in Ser­bia will grow to 8.7 MW. The state-guar­an­teed, feed-in tar­iff charged on a euro basis pro­vides for a sta­ble and long-term pre­dictable cash flow. In addi­tion, Ali­quan­tum has devel­oped a mature project pipeline with a capac­i­ty of approx. 38 MW, whose projects are already in dif­fer­ent approval phas­es.

The suc­cess­ful real­iza­tion of 50% (19 MW) of this poten­tial is assumed as a con­ser­v­a­tive assump­tion for the busi­ness plan­ning, result­ing in a total capac­i­ty of 26.5 MW for the pipeline of the first con­struc­tion phase in Ser­bia.

Oper­a­tional — acquired241,2 MW
Pro­duc­ing221,9 MW5,7 Mio. €
Under Con­struc­tion7105,6 MW13,3 Mio. €
Per­mit Stage81419 MW48 Mio. €
Total Pipeline Ser­bia193027,7 MW67 Mio. €

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